Pastor Mrs Oyedepo Marks 66th Birthday Anniversary |Omohglobalnews .... gives free medical services, pays medical bills to indigent patients - Omoh Global News


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Tuesday 6 February 2024

Pastor Mrs Oyedepo Marks 66th Birthday Anniversary |Omohglobalnews .... gives free medical services, pays medical bills to indigent patients


By Ọmọsọla Olumide 

Wife of the Founder cum Covenant University, Ota, cum Lving Faith Winners Chapel), Pastor (Mrs) Faith Abiola Oyedepo, in commemoration of her birthday anniversary on Monday donated free medical advice, services, eye glasses and drugs to Obere community, Atan in Ado-Odo Local Government Area, Ogun State. 

In a goodwill message, the chairman,  Covenant University/Community Development Impact  Initiative Committee (CU-CIIC) Professor Tayo George, showered praises on the philanthropic act of the celebrant, which is an annual event by Pastor Mrs Oyedepo. 

Chairman CU-CIIC, Prof. Tayọ George addressing members of the community 

According to Professor George, it is her way of appreciating God in her life for the glory of God on her family and most especially on her better half, Dr David Oyedepo, saying that the best way to celebrate her birthday anniversary is by reaching out to others, by putting smiles on their faces, especially the elderly ones and the less privileged. 

Speaking further, Prof. George said, in order to make the celebration memorable, Laralex Construction Company has partnered with the University to foot medical expenses of six indigent patients, who are faced with serious medical challenges and ailments at the General Hospital Ota. 

Pastor Aliwo Joseph During his brief Lecture

Before the commencement of the exercise, Pastor Aliwo Joseph advised members of the community to take care of their healths as our health challenges reflect on our lifestyles which include, non consumption of balanced diets, insufficient drinking of water, insufficient sleep, and unnecessary stress we put ourselves into especially from 40years and above, adding that adequate water intake aids our digestive systems, which remove toxics in our bodies. 

    Cross section of the beneficiaries community members 

He said further that, we should be drinking at least an average of 2 litres of water everyday, avoidance of red meats and eating of more fish and vegetables, adding that an average of 15- 20 minutes exercise daily is necessary and more importantly, they should abstain from alcohol and cigarette smoking. 

Head of  welfare Service, Mr Makinde receiving member of the delegates at General Hospital, Ota

At the General Hospital Onipanu in Ota, where the exercise took place, the delegates were received by Deputy Chief Medical Director, Dr. Èrò, Head Of Nursing and Social Welfare Officer, Mr Makinde. 

Head welfare Service, Mr Makinde Akintunde, middle, Deputy Medical Director, Dr Èrò Phillips Akinrínbola and Head of Nursing, Mrs Amos Grace Oluranti

Among the recipients of free medical treatments and whose bills were paid are,  a mother and her one-year old baby, a mentally challenged woman who delivered a baby, an elderly woman diagnosed with high blood pressure and a man with a surgery operations, but who could not pay his balance after being discharged. 

                   Cross section of the community members 

Some of the community members who were interviewed, expressed their profound gratitude to the celebrant for the kind gestures particularly in remembering Obere community. 

A lot of the residents also got their eyes checked, treated and were gifted with reading glasses.

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